

Trademark Search

A trademark search is crucial before registering your trademark to ensure its uniqueness and legal viability. Let us take care of the searching.

Watch and Monitor

Trademark watching monitors databases and new applications for potential conflicts with existing trademarks, enhancing brand protection.

Trademark Registration

Trademark registration provides legal protection for your brand identity and products/services. Register in Multiple Countries.


Uncertain about where to begin? Consult with our seasoned trademark experts with extensive experience in securing trademarks globally.


Trademark Searches

  • Single Country Search
  • US Full Search
  • EU Full Serch
  • Latin America Search

Trademark Registration

  • Single Class (inc filing fee)
  • 2 Classes (inc filing fee)
  • 3 Classes (inc filing fee)

Watch & Monitor

  • Single Country (per year)
  • EU Full (per year)
  • US Full (per year)
  • Latin America (per year)
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Get In Touch With Us

Uncertain about where to begin? Consult with our seasoned trademark experts with extensive experience in securing trademarks globally.

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